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2023-03-29 02:08| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Multus CNI usage guide Prerequisites Kubelet configured to use CNI Kubernetes version with CRD support (generally )

Your Kubelet(s) must be configured to run with the CNI network plugin. Please see Kubernetes document for CNI for more details.

Install Multus

Generally we recommend two options: Manually place a Multus binary in your /opt/cni/bin, or use our quick-start method -- which creates a daemonset that has an opinionated way of how to install & configure Multus CNI (recommended).

Copy Multus Binary into place

You may acquire the Multus binary via compilation (see the developer guide) or download the a binary from the GitHub releases page. Copy multus binary into CNI binary directory, usually /opt/cni/bin. Perform this on all nodes in your cluster (master and nodes).

cp multus /opt/cni/bin

Via Daemonset method

As a quickstart, you may apply these YAML files (included in the clone of this repository). Run this command (typically you would run this on the master, or wherever you have access to the kubectl command to manage your cluster).

cat ./deployments/multus-daemonset.yml | kubectl apply -f - # thin deployment


cat ./deployments/multus-daemonset-thick.yml | kubectl apply -f - # thick (client/server) deployment

If you need more comprehensive detail, continue along with this guide, otherwise, you may wish to either follow the quickstart guide or skip to the 'Create network attachment definition' section.

Set up conf file in /etc/cni/net.d/ (Installed automatically by Daemonset)

If you use daemonset to install multus, skip this section and go to "Create network attachment"

You put CNI config file in /etc/cni/net.d. Kubernetes CNI runtime uses the alphabetically first file in the directory. ("NOTE1", "NOTE2" are just comments, you can remove them at your configuration)

Execute following commands at all Kubernetes nodes (i.e. master and minions)

mkdir -p /etc/cni/net.d cat >/etc/cni/net.d/00-multus.conf






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